Sunday, 18 January 2015

After 15 Years

Wonder what it’s like to meet your friend decades later. It was 1999 we used to play in our school. It was a small group of 4-5 kids. They all used to stay few kms away.

Fast forward 15 years and same kids are staying thousands of miles away. They are not only miles away they are in different country itself. One in Korea, some in India, others in US. I got an opportunity to meet such a friend. We were still talking as if, we met days back. That’s the bonding, that’s the friendship. Yes it still exists. We were swapping stories about everyone back in school. It was fun. Actual golden days of life.

Our environment is changed now, things have changed back in our hometown. Friend’s circumstances have changed, some are still bachelor, checking every other girl. Some are married, while others have kids. Some are studying, others are doing job, remaining are running a successful business. Everyone’s life has taken a new turn.

I do not want to write much here, but would like your comments/memories of school. Any memory-khatti ya mithi, sweet or sour whatever just share it and feel good. You can write below by clicking on comments and then logging to google account.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Happy New Year

Dear Readers,

Happy New Year 2015.

Every year, we take a resolution. This resolution continues for days, months in exceptional cases even a year. I am here to talk about the difficulties that we face in order to complete the resolution. It requires a change in the way we think, in the way we work. It requires a change in mindset. Once you change your mindset, then everything will change, then New Year will be actually new for you. Otherwise it is gonna be the same old you and same Year  with a diff date and it’s also possible that nothing is happy in that.

Now the question is How to change the Mindset?
Let me take an easy example: Diet
Many people take New Year resolution of joining a gym, which they continue for a month or 2 and then again take U turn towards their old life. You have to remove this U turn from your life. Don’t set a very big goal that may become un-achieve-able and you have to turn back. 80% people goes to gym in order to lose weight and among them 70% returns by gaining weight. Since they stop going after some time. So set a goal that you can achieve.

Here are few simple resolutions that you might like to take.
No need to take a resolution on yearly basis, set small goals. Say, take one of the below resolution for just a month and then continue if you can.

1.     Get Physical
Physical exercises doesn’t mean only going gym. Include some physical exercise in day to day life. Use stairs, clean your house, etc.

2.     Eat smarter and Simpler
If you are a bachelor and cooking yourself, eat healthy foods like capsicum, leafy vegetables, and turmeric. If you are married, go with whatever your partner prepares, try to have less selective. In case you belong to a foody city like me, it’s difficult but necessary.

3.     Connect with People
Throw off your digital screens in one corner, go out, mingle with your neighbors. Be a social animal, not a screen maniac. I tried to put this one into practice today, it was a failed experiment, but considering my location constraints it’s understandable. I live in US, here people don’t even know who their neighbor is. Strange but true fact. We should talk to stranger and make a new friend at least weekly or monthly. Sometimes, it can turn out funny.

I think with this very important note, we should take leave for the day and make a new friend today. Post below if you really find one.