From previous posts you might know/ remember that there were 4 diffrent cultures present in our conversation.
Our conversation started with some here and there talks, that why this Israeli person came to India. He said he feels good to roam in India, even alone. Many people from his place have already visited India including his brother, so I said "is it normal for your side people to visit India". He said "no its not like that, even my grandmother does not understand my philosophy of coming India, but I do, whatever I like"
Then Driver said "How do you earn so much that you have came to roam in India for 6 months". he said "its easy and cheap to travel in India by trains and for stay, I work wherever I stay"
Musician said "You dont have to give any share of your earnings to your parent." He said "No, I dont, they are also earning, I am also earning, now I dont take anything from them and I dont give anything".
He said "I was living near Kodaikanal for last 2 months and before that in Goa for a month". In Kodaikanal his rent was very less (since it was in outskirts of Kodai, it was not famous and hence less rent) and in Goa, he lived in beach and worked there so they gave him place to stay, food and on weekends, they gave him bike.
He has planning to live in North for next 3 months because his sister and her Boyfriend were coming next month to visit India. And then visit Nepal for visa renewal and again back to India.
You might be thinking that why I am giving every detail about him, "what we have to do with some Israel person".
So let me tell you the reason behind every detail, that guy aged 20 yrs only was just a security guard for his village and didnt had a lot of money, still he had courage, will to visit such a big, multicultured, little dangersous country like India. If he can do it, why we cant do our little works like talking with our parents, texting a friend, organinsing a get together. We just say, we didnt had time or money or whatever foolish reason such as my parents wont allow me.
Just think about it, its not about time or money its about priority, if you make something your priority, you will be able to do it, these little reason wont be able to stop you in any way.
ITS very true if enforced